Other Professional Organizations
In developing the Castellino approach, Ray drew on 4 basic teachings: Polarity Therapy, Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy, Somatic Experiencing and an understanding of the physical, emotional and embodied impact of preverbal life (pre conception through early years). He combined these in a unique way to work with people of all ages. Following is a list of professional organizations we refer to and recommend
Name & Website | Phone |
APPPAH (Association for Pre- and Peri-natal Psychology And Health) | 720-490-5612 |
APPPAH offers free Monday live classes, hosts series of classes related to pregnancy, birthing and postpartum, publishes a professional journal (Ray's Stress Matrix article first appeared there), provides referrals in the field, and offers a congress (conference) every other year. | |
APTA (American Polarity Therapy Association) | 336-574-1121 |
APTA is the national association for Polarity Therapy in the US, offering certification, conferences, community and insurance. Ray was the founding Vice President and the 2nd President of APTA and a featured speaker at many of their conferences. | |
aTLC (the Alliance for Transforming the Lives of Children) | 720-490-5612 |
A growing community of individuals and organizations concerned with the well-being of children. Ray Castellino was a founding member. | |
BEBA (Building and Enhancing Bonding and Attachment) | 213-465-9333 |
A non-profit research clinic in Ojai, CA and also now on zoom, devoted to supporting families to resolve early trauma, both physical and emotional, while facilitating effective parenting and the healthy growth of children. Ray was the co-founder of the clinic. Tara Blasco is the Director. Mary Jackson the President of the BOD. | |
CSES (Colorado School of Energy Studies | email them via website |
Classes with exquisite teachers, Anna Chitty, RPP, RPE, BCST, SEP, ABD, and her daughter Liz Chitty Sandoval , BA (dance), BCST, RPE in Biodynamic Craniosacral and Polarity Therapy. Anna Chitty also teaches Blueprint Resonance:Verbal Skills,. Liz also offers movement/embodied practices classes. They also sponsor complimentary teachers in the field such as Jap Van der Val in embryology. All their classes are highly complimentary to studying the pre and perinatal work. Ray and Anna taught Body into Being together and Anna has co-taught in the first module of the Foundation Training. In addition they have posted a wealth of free material in their reference library, including materials by them and by John Chitty, extensive bibliographies in c/s and Polarity, and Digital Dr Stone, Dr Stone's charts available for free.. | |
CSTA-NA (Craniosacral Therapy Association of North America) | 734-904-0546 |
A non-profit professional organization supporting fluid-tide or biodynamic style craniosacral therapy with certification, classes, insurance, conferences. Ray was a registered craniosacral therapist and featured speaker at their conferences. Tara Blaso and Mary Jackson, as well as many Castellino Training facilitators are also registered c/s therapists | |
Ergos Institute of Somatic Education (Peter Levine's Somatic Experiencing) | email them via website |
Peter Levine developed a somatic, titrated way of working with trauma that is one of the foundational aspects of pre and peri-natal somatic work. This is the US organization's main webpage. |