The current Foundation Training (T17) started in December, 2023. The next US west coast Foundation Training will likely start in the fall of 2026, after the T17 completes. Possible womb surround prerequiste workshops are listed at Womb Surround Process Workshops. Trainees will be developing the skills of:

  • Holding therapeutic presence;
  • Establishing and supporting co-regulated connection in small groups and families;
  • Developing awareness of blueprint energies and differentiating the from imprints;
  • Developing awareness of the Social Field Phenomena and connection wth baseline Blueprint energies;
  • Tracking somatic, energetic and fluid tide rhythms to assess and facilitate the resolution of prenatal and birth stress and trauma;
  • Identification of your own prenatal and birth countertransference issues so you can develop the skill of effectively translating the energy of your activations into effective and compassionate therapy;
  • Relating the client's present experience, behavior and emotional states to prenatal and birth imprinting in function and structure;
  • Recognizing and diffentiating prenatal and birth imprinting in body language, body structure, movement, personality and character structure in babies, children and adults;
  • Establishing group social nervous system, co-regulated relational fields and connection within families and small groups as primary resources for individuals with the group or family;
  • Developing the felt sense of blueprint energies and slow rhythms as baseline references for resources with in families, small groups and individuals so that participants and family members may effectively explore and resolve early traumatic imprinting;
  • Recognizing the way prenatal and birth imprinting affects family dynamics, and knowing how to work with infants and children within their family systems;
  • Holding clear and effective therapeutic boundaries in the context of prenatal and birth therapy;
  • Using therapeutic verbal, energetic and touch skills in the context of Somatic Blueprint principles;
  • Making contact with others from your own experience, and identifying and working with your own prenatal and birth patterns;
  • Facilitating babies, children and their parents in BEBA style family sessions;
  • Facilitating adults in small group Womb Surround Process Workshops;

This training has built into it a number of unique and integrating factors that will enhance your ability to integrate and traverse the complicated layers inherent in pre and peri-natal studies. These factors include:

  • Curriculum design that follows the flow of nervous system development.
  • Integrating tempo and pace that is consistent with the developmental needs of pre-nates, babies and children.
  • Governing principles that support co-regulation in group, families and individuals.
  • A therapeutic form developed by Dr. Castellino that has been clinically proven since 1992.
  • The Somatic Blueprint and PPN conceptual framework is evolved throughout the training through a training system that begins with experience, exploration of preverbal experience emerging into language and a conceptual framework for the work.
  • Immersion into the energetic and somatic sensation base for anchoring into blueprint energies and differentiating PPN imprint implicit somatic memories.
  • Completing the Foundation Training will give you access to graduate trainings and mentorship programs that include assisting Womb Surrounds, offering your own womb surrounds with supervision, co-facilitating WSs, participating in online supervision groups and attending Family Practitioner Trainings and possibly assisting a future training.

Commitment, Components and Graduation Requirements for T15 and T17

Commitment to all days of all modules including arriving on time and staying to the end of the day including the last day:

The training is designed so that each module has a distinct beginning, middle and ending. Each part of the training is designed to develop important practitioner skills with relationship to tracking early imprint sequences. The beginning of each module sets the tone. The ending period is designed as an integration time. Tara and Mary therefore ask that participants commit to being present for all classes. This means arranging transportation to arrive by the evening before if flying in, and leaving after 1:00 pm on the last day. We ask those flying that you commit to taking a flight the next day if leaving after 1:00 p.m. will not allow enough time to catch a flight on the last day, Thursday.

In the event that a participant misses any part of a module for emergencies such as emergency health issues, the make-up process includes viewing videofiles of the lecture/discussion portions of the training (for which there is a charge of $25+tax/day or part of a day, and exercises to complete with trainees or assistants prior to returning to the next module. Payment for the module is still due on the dates listed. Missing more than two days of a module may result in also needing to retake the module in a future training in order to graduate.

Components and graduation requirements:

  • Attendance at all modules: Module A: Building Somatic Skills: Presence, Energetic Connection, Blueprint as well as Modules 1-8.: We ask for a clear commitment to attending Module A online at the time it is offered and modules 1-8 in person. Dates are listed above, near the top of the page. There is a make-up process found in the Student Contract for those who cannot avoid missing part or all of one module.
  • Womb Surround Process Workshops: All trainees must attend EITHER 4 Womb Surround Process Workshops with at least 4 participants, with an approved Womb Surround Process Workshop Facilitator OR 3 Womb Surrounds with at least 4 participants with an approved Womb Surround Process Workshop Facilitator & a Sequencing Workshop:
    • At least 1 Womb Surround or a Sequencing Workshop is required for the Foundation Training (though this may be taken after taking Module A, Building Somatic Skills), preferably during the past 3 years; more are recommended.
    • It is highly recommended (but not required) that at least one of the Womb Surrounds be with Mary Jackson or Tara Blasco. All may be if that is your choice.
    • Up to 3 Womb Surrounds taken before the Foundation Training count.
    • At least one Womb Surround must be taken after attending Module 1 of the Foundation Training.
    • Anyone wanting to assist Tara or Mary should plan to attend at least one womb surround with her. This is generally the case with a few exceptions for people they know really well. Assisting opportunities may first be available after completing 3 womb surrounds, module 6 and being current with homework and payment -- if there is space available. After module 8, those requesting to assist Mary or Tara will have completed the requirements for graduation with very few exceptions.
  • Creative Home Projects between the training modules. These are write-ups of your own experience such as 'Leading Edge,', 'Birth History,', 'Chemical Imprints'
  • Communicating with other trainees between modules for peer support.
  • Payment of all fees including for Womb Surrounds and Sequencing Workshop
  • Applications are being accepted for T17 which starts with Module A: Building Somatic Skills: Presence, Energetic Connection, Blueprint, December 2-6, 2023. This workshop may be taken as a stand-alone workshop by anyone and is required of those accepted to T17 and those considering applying to T17. It is possible to attend Module A, then take a Womb surround to meet the application requirements

    If you are planning to apply, PLEASE LET SANDRA CASTELLINO KNOW by emailing her at sandra(at)

    This will primarily be an in-person training with hybrid zoom options for when in-person isn't feasible in unusual circumstances (such as lockdowns, legal obstacles, etc).

    STAFF: Mary Jackson, RN, LM, RCST® and Tara Blasco, PhD, RCST®, will be the teachers for this Foundation Training, supported by a team of graduate assistants. You can read about the course content below.

    Module A: "Building Somatic Skills: Presence, Energetic Connection, Blueprint" is an introduction to core skills to be further developed in the full training during Modules 1-8.

    Prerequisites for T17


    Attend a Womb Surround (online or in person with at least 4 participants) with an approved Womb Surround Facilitator. Our Womb Surround Page has a list of both the approved Womb Surround Facilitators and Womb Surrounds they are offering July, 2023 through January, 2024. For these, contact the individual practitioner(s) to find out what they are offering and to register.


    Attend a SEQUENCING WORKSHOP. The Sequencing workshops are offered once a year, the next one being January, 2024 which can be signed up for at here. If you attended one in present time, this counts as a prerequisite. Watching the video afterwards doesn't satisfy the requirement because a major part of the program is small group interaction.

    You may choose to attend both a Womb Surround and a Sequencing Workshop. We have found that the more you have explored your own early life before starting the training, the more present you will be during the training itself.

    You may apply before or after you have met the requirement for a womb surround or a sequencing workshop.


    We will not accept applications from anyone who uses nicotine or recreational/ceremonial drugs in any amount for any reason or who is addicted to alcohol or any medical drug. Use of medical marijuana must be disclosed in the application and will be considered on an individual basis. Applicants must have a commitment to themselves and the people they work with that they will be nicotine and recreational/ceremonial drug free from the time of application through completion of the Foundation Training. This includes drugs used for spiritual ceremonies.

    A commitment to abstain from alcohol the day before and during all workshops and training modules including breaks & evenings is required.

    Location/Dates for T17

    Module A on zoom; Modules 1-8 at Sane Living Center in downtown Ojai, CA, (online/hybrid available for Modules 1-8 only in unusal circumstances such as world crises/lockdowns)
    • 2023: Dec 2-6 (Module A only on zoom, no in-person)
    • 2024: February 08-14 (Module 1)
    • 2024: May 30-June 5 (Module 2)
    • 2024: November 14-20 (Module 3)
    • 2025: February 20-26 (Module 4)
    • 2025: May 29 - June 4 (Module 5)
    • 2025: Oct 16-22 (Module 6)
    • 2026: February 19-25 (Module 7)
    • 2026: May 14-20 (Module 8)

    Application Process for T17 consists of 3 steps

    Applicants are required to be able to download WORD or rtf files for the application and throughout the training. Please do not mail hard copies. You may need to download Adobe Acrobat Reader to view and print handouts

    1. Take a womb surround or sequencing workshop or determine what Womb Surround or Sequencing Workshop you can take.

    You are welcome to contact Sandra if you want support in finding what is appropriate for you. The Womb Surround or Sequencing workshop may be taken after Module A. Module A is part of T17 so if you are applying or considering applying and haven't taken a womb surround by the end of November, take Module A. You can interview BEFORE taking a Womb Surround and receive provisional acceptance.

    2. Sign up for an interview with Mary and Tara by contacting Sandra.

    APPLICATION INTERVIEWS are available with Mary and Tara by appointment for those who have completed the full application process which consists of submitting an application, a womb surround form, a photo and an application fee. Please contact Sandra Castellino at for booking an interview and receiving applications. The next open interview times are AFTER Module A so if considering taking the training, please plan to take Module A as a stand alone workshop by signing up online. The November interview times are full. The December and January interview times are.

    • December 14th (Thursday) morning Pacific Time 11:30 am
    • January 9th (Tuesday) afternoon Pacific Time 3:00, 3:30, maybe 4:00 pm
    • January 18-30th? to be decided - for those taking the Sequencing workshop who don't know now that they want to apply.

    3. Send the 4 parts of the application to Sandra

    Please send the 3 items, preferably together, as well as the fee to by 3 days before your interview:
  • A COLOR PHOTO that has strong enough resolution to crop to a headshot
  • A WOMB SURROUND FORM. If you don't have a form you already filled in to take a womb surround, download and fill in the Womb Surround Form in MS WORD or RTF format

  • Student Contract for T17 (revised to show start date of Dec for Module A & February 2024 for Module 1)

    Please read this before applying.

    Please download the T17 Student Contract for all information about timing, location, commitment required, payment due dates, late fees, course material, confidentiality, videotaping, making up missed work, etc. For those who have received notification of acceptance into the training, please download the student contract in pdf or WORD. You can print the last page of the WORD document or pdf, sign it and snail mail it or scan and email it to We do NOT receive faxes. This must be received by the due date for the first deposit or be mailed 5 days before it is due along with the deposit check/paypal/credit card to complete registration.

    Costs for the T17 Foundation Training

    The deposit is in 2 sections: a non-refundable deposit will hold your place, then a larger deposit due in September. Then 9 payments are due 1 month before each module including Module A.

    There is a price break for paying by check, cash, money order rather than by Paypal. Check /money order payments are considered on time if they originate by 5 days before the due date OR are received by the due date. Originate means initiate wires, paypal, postmark (mail) checks, Money Orders

    How to Pay. All payments for the training itself, once accepted, will be sent to Sandra Castellino: Payments by Paypal to sandra(at), payments by check, cashiers check or Money Order, make out to Castellino Training, Corp, mail to 1105 N Ontare Road, Santa Barbara, CA 93105. A 2nd deposit is due in September. Then payments for the Modules are due one month in advance. Checks should be postmarked 5 days (7 days if from out of the USA) before the due date to be considered ontime Late fees apply.
    Date Postmark for mailing Date Due for Paypal/cash Price Paypal Price check/MO/cash
    (1st deposit) 2 weeks from email acceptance to hold your place
    (1st deposit) 3 weeks from email acceptance to hold your place
    $695 $670
    (2nd deposit) 2 weeks from email acceptance (2nd deposit) 3 weeks from email acceptance $1645 $1595
    (Module A) Not available unless you don't have PayPal (Module A) by November 30, earlier is better $625 not available
    (Module 1) 01/03/24 (Module 1) 01/08/24 $1249 $1199
    (Module 2) 04/25/24 (Module 2) 04/30/24 $1249 $1199
    (Module 3) 10/10/24 (Module 3) 10/15/24$1249 $1199
    (Module 4) 1/15/25 (Module 4) 1/21/25 $1249 $1199
    (Module 5) 4/24/25 (Module 5) 4/29/25 $1249 $1199
    (Module 6) 9/11/25/td> (Module 6) 9/16/25 $1249 $1199
    (Module 7) 1/14/26 (Module 7) 1/19/26 $1249 $1199
    (Module 8) 4/09/26 (Module 8) 4/14/26 $1249 $1199
    Total cost   $12,957 $12,451

    Late fees of $5/day up to 5% apply to all late payments. Payments are considered late if they are not received by the due date or postmarked (or sent by paypal or wire) by 5 days before (US) or 1 week before (outside US).


    The first deposit is non-refundable. The 2nd deposit is not refundable once you start the course with Module A. Cancellation will result in a refund if you have paid for a module that you are not going to attend because you are dropping out of the training. If you are only missing a module or part of a module, full payment is due a month before the module so you can continue the training.

    Other costs

    The cost for womb surrounds and the Sequencing Workshop are not included in the tuition for the 9 modules of the Foundation Training.

    The only other required expense is for a doll and cloth pelvis used for visualizing the birth process. These will be available to buy at the beginning of module 3 for about $200 by check. Paypal 4% additional.

    A recommended reading list will be available on the website.

    This Castellino Foundation Training, like other Castellino Foundation Trainings, will be videotaped. The videotapes will be used for anyone who misses time to be able to catch up. The videos will also be used/viewed by graduates of this and previous trainings who are studying to be trainers of the Castellino approach to Pre and perniatal work.

    Who Benefits from the Training?

    Trainees in the Casellino Foundation Training come from a wide range of professional backgrounds and skills. They have included bodyworkers, polarity therapists, cranial workers, chiropractors, osteopaths, acupuncturists, nurses, medical doctors, midwives, doulas, childbirth educators, infant massage therapists, regular and special education teachers, counselors, and psychologists. Many of these practitioners were already doing some form of prenatal and birth work. Others were very new to this form of work. They all share a profound interest in working with babies, children, families, and/or adults for the purpose of resolving prenatal and birth trauma.

    Module Details: Module A and Modules 1-8

    Each training module covers a specific area of learning. The curriculum is designed to give you an overview of the work and to build specific therapeutic skills in a progressive and layered manner using didactic instruction, facilitation skills and personal experiential exploration. Skills for facilitation of adults in small groups and families in infant/child- centered settings are emphasized throughout the training.



    Trainees Comment...

    "Ray's training has brought a deep level of compassion and sensitivity into my life and my work. Ray's ability to teach from a learner's perspective makes the work easy to absorb. A kinesthetic 'knowing' seems to grow spontaneously. His work with babies and families is truly awesome. In accessing the brilliant clear consciousness of the prenate, the birth work gives a powerful resource for resolving early trauma."

    -Anna Chitty, R.P.P., RCST®

    "My experience of training with Ray Castellino has been both personally transforming and professionally rewarding. Through his remarkable skills as a therapist I have been able to reconnect with my earliest emotional imprints in a way that has been deeply healing and now guides my work with clients. Ray's teaching skill is to blend complex cross-disciplinary information with personal process and integration in a way that is exciting, comprehensive, systematic, hands-on, effective and downright fun. He models for me how to be self-honest, knowledgeable and deeply contactful yet respectful of boundaries. Being with Ray as he works with babies and their families has shown me what remarkable potential there is for understanding what babies have to tell me and how I can support their process of liberating the energies bound up in prenatal and birth trauma."

    -Claire Leverant, Childbirth Educator

    "The Castellino Prenatal and Birth training is a rare opportunity to be in the vanguard of the exploration of a mysterious and largely uncelebrated frontier of human understanding. There is an exciting sense that one is participating in the birth of a new body of knowledge and practice, one with far reaching consequences for the way we live. For me it has been important that the excitement is not only intellectual: the knowledge and practice are integrated, and the trainee must draw on her or his whole life experience for understanding a survey which offers fresh vistas and unexpected connections. This means the training itself is transformational, yet brimming with multidisciplinary information brought together in a newly coherent form. Ray is both a visionary and an extraordinary teacher who is passionately committed to a single process that encompasses research, healing, and the training of professionals. His attunement and the format he has created ensure that the emphasis is on the process of assimilation rather than content; in practice, I've found that means the knowledge is not something I must remember, but rather a part of my experience that becomes available as needed."

    -Jim Thomas, M.A.

    Colleagues Write...

    "Ray Castellino is at the forefront of a healing movement that is taking us into the next century. In his work with infants and children, Ray extends a sensitivity and grace in healing early trauma that is revolutionary, compassionate and effective. It is a privilege and a gift to study with this man."

    -Peter Levine, Ph.D., Author of Waking the Tiger, Developer of Somatic Experiencing

    "I have been associated with Dr. Castellino for many years. His warmth and integrity have always touched me deeply. He has become one of the world's leading lights in the field of Prenatal and Birth Psychology. His work in his area of special interest, the healing of prenatal and birth trauma in infants, is elegant and insightful. His training in this is easily the most in-depth and sensitive available. His teaching is done with humor, clarity and the highest standards. I highly recommend his training to anyone interested in healing the foundations of our defended and damaged selves at the very beginning of our journey in this world."

    -Franklyn Sills, Craniosacral teacher, author of The Polarity Process, Director of the Karuna Institute